March 19th – Save the Date! Spring 2013 Diana Tracy Collection!

Save the date! March 19th, 2013 The Diana Tracy Spring Collection will debut exclusively at! New bold designs and themes await! You think you know Diana Tracy? Log on March 19th and see if you really know what kinds of designs we are capable of! So I ask you are you ready??

Promo 3

How to get ready for your Valentines Date Night out!

Hello Ladies,

Date night tonight? Wanna look awesome on your evening out with your Honey Bunny but you feel clueless on where to begin? Check out my girl AndreasChoice on youtube. She is funny, funky, smart and helpful. I guarantee you will laugh or chuckle at least once and learn a ton!





Have a great night out with your Honey!!! Check her, out rate and subscribe 🙂

Hairloss in women…a taboo subject!

Helo Ladies,

I wanted to do a series of posts on Hair loss in women. It’s a touchy subject that a lot of women don’t want to discuss openly. Traditionally hair loss is something that many men experience as male pattern baldness and is almost expected to occur at some point in their lives however when it occurs in women as well it can bring a lot of confusion, shame and hopelessness. For many women, our hair is our crowning glory and for a lot of women it’s not only their beauty but its connected to their sense of youth. When a woman begins to experience hair loss, she can begin to feel a sense of shame, isolation and depression.







In my series on Hair Loss in women I want to bring some natural hair remedies that have worked in many woman to help hair grow again provided that the follicles aren’t dead. The first thing a woman has to do is believe that she can re-grow her hair. There is something to be said about the power of the mind and belief. In my culture there is a saying that goes, “Belief kills and Belief’s cure” and it’s very true. If you believe it your body will follow. Don’t look at the situation, look at your end desire and work backwards from there. Then you will achieve your goals and dreams. I know that hair loss can be depressing and devastating. But the good thing about living in our day and age is there are a lot of protective styles in the forms of wigs (lacefronts, half wigs, and full cap wigs), and weaves (clip in’s, or sewn in) to help bring a sense of dignity back to a woman who is experiencing hair loss while she takes steps to re-grow her hair.

The first post in my series will be on Massage Techniques and the tremendous benefits it has for hair growth and re-growth.

Stay tuned for my series coming in the next few weeks.


5 Great inexpensive ways to incorporate Baking Soda into your Beauty Routine!

Hello all!!

I have a love for baking soda. Why? Because it is such a great and useful agent to incorporate into your beauty routine from everything to whitening your teeth, to boosting your deodorant and softening your skin. Read on for my tips!

1. Great way to boost your body washes’ cleansing power.

Lets talk about it ladies, sometimes women have high perspiration and finding a deodorant that works well in the summer and winter can be challenging and embarrassing (if it doesn’t work). A great way to counteract the embarrassing side effects of increasingly warmer weather or just having a higher perspiration is to use baking soda. Get a rag (works better with a rag then a loofa) and rub some soap on it and gently and repeatedly wipe under your arm pits. A rag is good because it gets off (and I can’t stress how important it is to be gentle) left over deodorant, sweat and lint from your clothing. Once your sure your pits are free from lint, deodorant and sweat, sprinkle a teaspoon of baking soda on the rag and very gently (after sprinkling some water over it so it forms a paste) wipe it under your arms pits. Repeat this for each arm pit. The smell your arm pits to make sure there is no smell. If there is, repeat all the steps from the beginning. If not, dry your armpits really well then apply your deodorant. You will find that you will not become musty as you used to become throughout the day.

2. Use it to whiten your teeth.

It’s a great agent to whiten your teeth.  If you drink tea, or coffee then you might have stained teeth. Other foods can stain your teeth to. So to restore your pearly whites to their former glory, dip your tooth-brush in some baking soda with a pinch of salt and brush those pretty teeth. Within about 2 weeks you will notice a white smile and fresher breath (pass some of that baking soda over your tongue as well a lot of bad breath starts on the tongue).

3. Use it in your conditioner.

It’s a great way to get rid of excess product and clarify. Some might disagree but I have tried it and my wavy hair curls right back up. If you use shampoos and conditioners, overtime you can have product build up that can and will weigh down your hair. Baking soda is a great neutralizer and a great way to clarify your hair.

4.Get softer feet with a Baking Soda Soak

Fill a bucket with water and add 3 teaspoons baking soda. Soak your feet for 10 minutes then rinse and Voila! Softer feet! Follow up with a moisturizer lotion to lock in the softness and moisture! You can also fill a bath with warm water and add 1/2 cup of baking soda to do a whole body soak! Be sure to follow up with a great lotion!

5. Add it to your laundry detergent.

Baking soda is such a great odor neutralizer! Add 1/2 cup to your laundry along with your detergent (you can actually use less detergent) and your clothes will come out smelling better. You can also use it as a pre-wash stain treatment. Mix the soda with water to make a paste and put it on the stained areas. Let it soak in and pop it in the washer for an inexpensive stain remover. *Hint* Wal-Mart has it occasionally for 99 cents in their value brand.

I hope these helped! Talk to you all later 🙂